Friday, December 16, 2011

FORE! . . . . Plop. Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle.

FORE! . . . . Plop. Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle.

Yep, that's the sound the golf simulator made each time I hit the ball yesterday at Tee's Golf Grill where we had our department Christmas party. We thought we were playing random selections of par three courses but there were so many water hazards I think we were playing The Links of Atlantis! At least I wasn't the only one. My foursome was made up of gals that really own their own clubs. They actually play the game on real grass and know which club does what. None of us could manage to get past the water hazards.

When the attendant asked which course we would like to play I mentioned something about windmills and clown mouths but they didn't have that one so she thought she was selecting something easy. Wow, are the simulators ever difficult. I'll explain how the process went for me. You hit a real ball with special marking that the computers pick up. If you actually make contact with the ball it might fly into the air and hit the screen (or it may roll slowly across the floor or perhaps even backwards, depending on who was doing the hitting). The computer gives you distance and the lay of the land, wind speed and all the stuff real golfers might need to know. It then calculates how well you performed and throws your ball right into the water. After a few hits you concede the hole. All I can say is that I got the maximum amount of hits possible for our money- full advantage of the game (LOL).

Actually, while we were having lunch we could view the other simulators where groups of men that probably did this a lot were having some holiday fun. They were pretty good and seemed to find the green better than we did. By the time our two hours were up and with a change of courses to--get this---a desert course (no water to be found anywhere) we were doing much better. I wasn't sure if this was going to be something I would enjoy but it was fun, even if I didn't do very well.

We had to sign a waiver of responsibility should we get hurt. I suppose you could walk in the way of a drive and get a pretty good wack but it did mention death! Death? Well, they had a point. If I would have sunk a putt I definitely would have dropped dead!

simulator credit, not from Tee's


anitamombanita said...

I own a set of clubs that have never seen sunshine, blue skies, grass or even a water hazard. sad, huh? ;)

Judie said...

I have been an avid golfer for over 25 years and I know all too well the sound of "Whitey" landing in the water. As Payne Stewart once said when his ball landed in a lake during a tournament, "Swim, Whitey! Swim!!"

Karen S. said...

I have palyed this before...and it's really kind of fun! Even without venturing out to greens!

Manny said...

I can't golf either. I've only gone twice. Sounds like a fun Christmas party, but I can see how that would distract people from conversation.

Michelle said...

Sounds like you had fun anyway. I probably would of thrown the club thru the screen. I saw this from experience. LOL

Ingrid said...

I am not a golf player, but this I would try too, lol !

Candy C. said...

Sounds like you all had a good time in spite of the water hazards! :)

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

Manny- We all left work at 12:30 and stayed until 4:30. We had a group lunch first- there's only about 10 people in our department so it's comfortable to all sit and talk together. Then we had simulators next to each other so while we waited our turn we could watch the others. It did take away from some of the conversation had we all been together but not too badly. Knowing us the conversation would drift around to our customer accounts if we didn't engage in an activity (credit people, you know!) They did retro bowling last year, the golf this year and now trying to top it for 2012.

Jenny said...

Funny post...

I am sure you did just Fine!

Fond wishes For a Fantastic 2012!
