Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Decking the Halls

I'm a big fan of Christmas decorations, especially when they are from family and the older the better. I have many from my grandmother's home, some that the kids made when they were in school and even one that I made as a child.

Flanked by angels, my manger scene is displayed in the entryway to the great room. I received it from my grandmother many years ago even before the children were born. It's a music box that doesn't play anymore. The donkey is propped up after losing all its legs and whatever was once on the front is no longer there so years ago I attached a little angel. Regardless, it's beautiful to me.

Sometimes it sits on the mantle but this year it's on the old dresser we brought home from my grandmother's home after she passed away. It sits in the living room and holds handheld games and throws. Perhaps the manger feels it's back home.

Silver plastic camels carry three wise men with robes of red and blue. A terrible accident last year ended with one of the camels losing a leg when it hit the hard wood floor. Amazingly I never did find it. They pass the old plastic manger with the Christmas bulb hole in back in the event you would prefer to illuminate it.

A pair of old reindeer sprinkled with gold and donning bells prance across the festive mantle. I believe they may have been a part of a team at one time but that was long ago. I rescued these from my parent's ornament box so they wouldn't be boxed away with the other mismatched items. They too show their age with a missing antler.

I believe I need to start a hospital for broken ornaments. This little soldier still has a prime spot on the tree despite his missing arm. I did find it so I'll be doing a little surgery this week. He visits with the clothes pin reindeer and pony.

The little golden bird with always sits at the top of the tree near our angel. She has company with a more modern, soft tail bird from a local business run by three nice ladies. (disregard the light plug, I have to tuck that in but need a step stool to do so).

Now onto the ones made by us. The first one is pretty scary. I made this so long ago I can't remember. Kindergarten? First grade? It's all squished and terrible but it gets top billing on the back of the tree. Mom wasn't going to keep it! Poor thing.

My son's gingerbread man- he also made a ghost (a ghost??). I don't have one that my daughter made. She may have it with her tree.

A woman I interviewed for my college town paper made this ornament for me, in addition to sharing cookie recipes and her dandelion wine! Yes, we were under age but it was just one sip or two, for research purposes! She and her husband built their log home, chopping down their own trees and constructing it themselves. Very quaint and very not at all level which added to the charm.

This little guy has been a child's favorite for a couple of generations. My kids loved it and so does little Taylor. It's fun to open him up and see what has been hidden inside- but don't take it!

I can't forget Santa:

Santa has been my very favorite forever. I saw him in old home movies not too long ago when he was new and had clothes. He's not like a stuffed animal, all squishy and fluffy. He's very solid and can sort of stand up.

I have other very pretty vintage ornaments, the glass ones with glitter on them; however, I don't put them out anymore after losing a few to our hardwood floors. I don't have carpet anywhere except for a couple of bath mats. Someday I will figure out a secure way to display them and bring them all back out.

There is so much more up in the attic: A white tree with red and gold ornaments, two small trees, my woodland tree that I still have to bring down and dress up with the lodge type ornaments, Santa figurines, a ceramic village that belongs under the tree, etc. I've lost the top of the old entertainment center (that was really big) so I'm at a loss. Next year I need shelves.

Tomorrow is the first day guests begin to arrive so I need to get the finishing touches on everything and fix the lasagna-a good thing to have when you're not exactly sure what time anyone is arriving, besides, the rest of the week will be dominated by hams or turkey!

Thanks for taking a peek at some of the older ornaments. Maybe I'll show you some newer ones next post!

Linking to Jenny Matlock and My Simple Country Living


Lisa said...

I love it!

Farmgirl Heidi said...

I love your home and your ornaments. My favorites are the ones made by my son, nieces and nephews when they were young. They are my most meaningful. Your nativity from your Grandma is amazing and so are the wise men and camels. You always post the neatest things. Please link up to the Deck the Halls post on my blog if you have a chance. Everyone would love to see this post.

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

I linked up-thanks. I knew I had missed a hop but was afraid it was already closed.

Annesphamily said...

I love Christmas! I think your nativity is absolutely priceless. You can't find memories like that anywhere these days!

Judie said...

I have a photo at the top of my right sidebar of the three wise men that I made over 40 years ago. And we had a bird just like the one in your photo!!

Michelle said...

I love the homemade ornaments. My decorations are also made by my family or are from our travels. Things that mean something to you are what makes a great Christmas. My grand kids love the story's behind the ornaments.

Dominique@Dominique's Desk said...

Lovely christmas decorations.. dropping by from Alpha Thursday

jfb57 said...

There are some wonderful ones there. My entry is about an old bauble too!

Simple Pleasures said...

Kathy, those are so precious! Great memories for your holiday. Hope it's a wonderful Christmas and Happy new Year!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful display! I love all the memories that you have for each piece!

Candy C. said...

How fun! I really like the clothespin pony! I too have some ornaments and decorations that have seen better days but they still go up every year! :)

Kimber Li said...

Good morning, Kathy,

Gorgeous ornaments! I just surfed through checking out hobby farm blogs, because I'm working on my own. Found lots of great links and inspiration on yours. Thank you!

A Few Pennies said...

Sweet ornaments--those Santa's are my favorite. I can't wait til he gets to my house! Merry Christmas!

Ingrid said...

Your tree looks beautiful. I also love old Christmas ornments ! Not a bad idea to open a hospital for broken ornaments, lol !

Pat said...

Enjoyed seeing your Christmas ornaments - the clothespin pony is so sweet - reminds me of the tiny train set my brother made for me out of clothespins...
Don't the memories keep flooding back each year as we decorate the tree...

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and all that is good in 2012.

anitamombanita said...

How fun. My grandsons were just looking at a clothespin ornament this evening that my daughter made when she was in 3rd grade or so... similar to the one you have. Merry Christmas.

Susan Anderson said...

I love the old ones the best, too. Especially when they have a story!


Jenny said...

I have that last Santa, too!

It made me smile to see it at your house as well!

I think I'm infatuated with those plastic camels! I've never seen anything like it!

If they come up missing...well...let me just say, it wasn't me!

Kathy. Sending warm wishes your way for a 2012 filled with creativity, harmony and joy!

Thanks for sharing this!

I'm one of those Christmas 'all year 'round' people!

Hugs from Arizona.