Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I Gather Together . . .

It was Thanksgiving ages ago, when Dad was still alive and suffering from an infected tooth. We all gathered at the table: my aunt, uncle and cousin plus our neighbors with their kids. Soon things took a turn for the worse.

My young cousin complained of not feeling well so his parents left the table to attend to him. In the meantime, the neighbor was trying to get her kids to eat sweet potatoes. “But I’ll get sick if I have to taste these,” cried the oldest. After getting a stern look from his mother, he agreed to try a bite- just one bite, and promptly threw up which caused the remaining siblings to also throw up, in unison. Off the women went to clean up kids.

Did I mention Dad was on strong pain killers? They must have kicked in pretty good. We figured it out when a familiar tune came drifting down the hall. There was Dad, all alone at the table, singing. Singing? When we listened closely, we noticed a slight change of lyrics: “I Gather Together to ask the Lord’s Blessing. . . “

Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving.

PS Don't force your kids to eat anything they don't like!

Linking to Jenny Matlock


Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Oh my! What an eventful Thanksgiving dinner! Aw...funny how your dad changed the lyrics :o)

Blessings & Aloha!

Teresa said...

Goodness! That is quite an eventful Thanksgiving. Hope you have a much quieter one this year.

Vicki/Jake said...

Gotta laugh no matter:) Funny story...

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

a lovely reflection,
well penned.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Annesphamily said...

What a memorable story! I hope your Thanksgiving is terrific. Enjoy! Anne

Susan Anderson said...

That is too, too funny. (Well, not funny that you all missed your Thanksgiving, but very funny how your dad handled it.)


Ingrid said...

Hahaha ! what a Thanksgiving !

Raw Thoughts And Feelings said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Yahoobuckaroo's Blog said...

Sweet potatoes should not be allowed to exist!

If anyone has little kids (you probably already noticed this) have them go to Google and left-click on the turkey's wing. Actually, you can click on any body part and it will change, but click on the wing and he kind of goes nuts in a way that only tiny children can appreciate.

Thanksgiving as sis' house this year. I'm bringing the stuffing and pie. A word to the wise: Stove Top turkey stuffing isn't very good. Stick with their chicken or cornbread stuffing instead. I bought the turkey stuffing last night but got hungry and ate it. Now I know better.

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

Yahoo- funny. No, I didn't notice it because my homepage is iGoogle with all the news feeds. I went to Google and tried it, several times. Fun.

Judie said...

Now this is my kind of Thanksgiving post!!! Norman Rockwell was a wonderful illustrator, but he definitely lived in a state of denial. My first thought for a post for today was to give everyone a list of Thanksgiving movies based on disfunctional families gathering to "enjoy" a holiday meal--there are quite a few of those movies-but decided to write about being thankful for the simple things in life. I loved your comment! Have a nice Thanksgiving!!

Tracy said...

we had a similar christmas once

Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

The kind of Thanksgiving you will remember forever. Chuckling here in Canada. Happy Thanksgiving!

anitamombanita said...

That was a GREAT post! Too too funny.

Candy C. said...

Funny story! :)

Pat said...

Your Dad sounds like he had a wonderful sense of humor - pain killers and all! You have described a much more realistic Thanksgiving than all the picture perfect postcards could dream of...

Well done!!

Manny said...

Happy belated thanksgiving!

Cheryl D. said...

That sounds like one of the worst Thanksgivings ever! Oy!

Jenny said...

Oh, I love, love, love this story!

What a wonderful memory...I hope you re-tell this every single year!

Thanks for sharing it with us, too!