Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Did You Hear About Z?

It's that time again- Jenny's Alphabe-Thursday! Today we will be studying the zippy letter "Z" Link on over here to read other entries.:

Did you hear about Z,
How he came to be?
You may not believe it,
But listen to me.
He was once something else,
Yes, that’s what I said,
See he’s just the letter N,
That fell on his head!

N Z . N. Z .N . Z . N . Z


Annesphamily said...

Cool post! Thanks for sharing today!

Esther Joy said...

Unique look at the letter Z!

Judie said...

How clever is this!! Poor N!! But now he is Z! What a grand letter!!!!

Karen S. said...

Oh my gosh I just knew it! Not really but this was just too cool! Thanks...and I hope the letter N will be okay!

Candy C. said...

How fun! Another great entry for Alphabe-Thursday!! :)

Lola said...

Such a clever 'Z’ post!

Happy Alphabe-Thursday!


Susan Anderson said...

How cute is that?


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful rhyme! This is the perfect z post.

Pat said...

Very clever - never thought about the similarity before...

Ingrid said...

So the N is a boozed Z ?? Never thought of that !

Vicki/Jake said...

And that is Z-N-ed... haha:)

Cheryl D. said...

Cute! Haha!

The Poet said...

Very clever indeed.

Thanks for sharing.

The Evening Zephyr

Jenny said...

You are so clever!

This was fabulous...and my favorite Z read thus far!

Thanks for sharing your adorable little poem with us. I can imagine a childrens book filled with rhymes like that about every letter!

Super fun!

Thanks for sharing and hope to Z you again soon!
