Wednesday, July 20, 2016

We're in a Pickle

Oh boy, do we ever have a lot of pickles!  
We have been canning pint jars every few days
before the cukes get too big.
Some of them are hotter than others, 
my husband adds hot peppers or hot pepper
flakes to his, but mine are just garlic dills.

The first batch were not very crispy,
normally we add Pickle Crisp to it but 
it must have been too old.

He did a batch or two of pickled sweet onions too
for burgers and anything else you want to top 
with onions.  If we get enough squash this year
I'll make some relish out with it like we did last year.

I grew dill to add as well but we're almost out!
We have lots of cucumbers to go through.
Now if the tomatoes would only get red!!


  1. I love cukes in my salad, but Mr. LB not so much. I planted one plant just for me, but a certain pair of naughty little lamberkins, who shall remain nameless ate it! Thank goodness for farmers market:)

  2. I got the last of our tomatoes yesterday, I think. Too hot now, according to the Ag extension. Unless we plant heat loving tomatoes.

    You did well this year!

  3. I didn't plant any cucumbers this year. I did plant squash but none of them came out right.

    My tomatoes are going great guns, though.

    You will be in good shape for condiments, you have pickles for every occasion!
