Sunday, July 17, 2016

A Little Rain Must Fall

I had a wonderful break in the weather a couple of days ago, 
clear skies and beautiful blooms on the garden wall.
The cone flowers stand out right now, typically 
covered with bumbles that flit from cone to cone.

I noticed only one of these little guys and found the other
when I moved the photo to my computer.
Click to enlarge.
They are sitting on one of the flowering weeds that
are very invasive and try to take over the garden.
Some get to stay because they are pretty.

My rose, which seems to be a hedge type, blooms 
furiously in the spring and then not much happens
but I do see some new growth now.

There are some peaches remaining that the squirrels
and deer didn't get; however, I don't spray them so
they end up all buggy.  Funny, one side looks ripe
and the other is just as green as it can be.

Even weeds are interesting if caught at the right moment.

As I was finishing up some photos of flowers and bees
I heard what appeared to be heavy traffic traveling at 
 a high rate of speed on the county road down the way.
Then I realized I should not hear THAT MUCH traffic out here.
Then it dawned on me . . .
That's Rain!!

I scampered to the porch just in the nick of time.
It came down in buckets, for all of about 15 minutes
and then it was sunny once more.

Those poor bees drinking on the fountain edge.
I hope they flew away in time!


  1. I love these pictures, the flowers are so pretty and the fountain I really like. I can almost hear it raining from your description!

  2. We hear rain coming at us through the woods here.

  3. Just enough rain to make it steamy?
    Enjoyed all your pictures. Thanks for sharing. Hope the rain did a little good.
    Be safe and God bless.

  4. It's funny to hear the rain coming!
    Our daughter who lives on our property-- will have rain at her house and believe it or not it will miss us or visa-versa! We had that happen lots of times!
    your garden looks wonderful.
    I've missed not having a garden this year.
    with the political climate and social climate being what it is... this is probably NOT the year to have skipped gardening!

  5. Beautiful pictures. And I love those cone flowers from the first photo. I've wanted to put them in somewhere but I just don't have a spot for them.

  6. Big rain over the weekend here, too. I went out when the lightning quit, and just stood in it. The rain was so cool and the air was so hot. I know lightning can get you from many miles away, but it was worth it. Felt so good.

  7. How nice to be able to spend time outside. Your yard always looks so nice.

  8. Now we had a break from rain and it went right to a heat warning! My poor husband is in construction and they are struggling to get their jobs going due to all the rain.
