Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Expanding the Garden

 We're expanding the larger garden this season, 
cutting down  some of the trees on our five
acres that are blocking the sun on the  
North Eastern side of the house.

The hubby will keep the good wood for use
next winter or for a fire or two in
the burn pit in our court yard as neighbors
gather round with drinks and snacks.

 We inherited  (at least temporarily) some lawn furniture
when my brother-sister in-law moved onto their yacht.
We're debating the color since we do need give them another coat.
I say either keep them white or something that will blend 
into the woods since this is by the garden.
My husband insists on John Deere Green!

It's hard to get a good view but this is where 
our garden  sits.  The greenhouse will be used 
for the first time this year. I've got a  wooden table 
to set  things on as we're working and then 
boxes framed with tree trunks for various plantings.
Herbs and tomatillos in the first bed along with peppers.
Zinnias and onions below this bed.
We had cukes,tomatoes and squash varieties in the second bed.

Pumpkins, peas, and more squash at the bottom bed
Beans at the top.
There is a third bed that was unused last year
but will be dedicated to squash this season.
Supposedly, since it has not mulch, we will get fewer bugs.

We have a small Western side garden for greens
radish and the potato box. 

 I have plans for lots more herbs ! 
Culinary and Medicinal.

This isn't my view but it's my brother-sister in-law's lot
which is next to ours. Of course this is ground level
but when you're in a house like ours,
two stories with an actual attic 
 the view goes on forever!

This is looking from the Eastern garden area
towards our place.
Don't look too close, it's messy right now!

My little Western side garden  radish seeds are coming up.
These are the ones I planted before the deluge of rain
  where they went floating down, down, down
and will probably puddle up at the end of the planter box!
I will have to replant .

 Tomorrow the hubby tows away tree limbs and  
cut up trunks and prepares the lower area for
our utility trailer which will hold our gardening
items.  He will also build some more structures for holding the wood.

I have jury duty starting tomorrow.
When I get home I have to log into work and handle anything 
that can't wait so I don't know if I'll have time to post but
I'll catch up over the weekend!


  1. I didn't care for jury duty. The view of your land has to be beautiful during the summer. I would love a view like that.

  2. lots of work but it will be worth it. I need to get out in my garden soon and start getting some seeds in the ground.

  3. It is that time of year to think about tearing up the ground again. Cutting trees down will do more good than anything, I did the same thing last year and it really lets the light in. A little lime is supposed to be good for new ground, I use some wood ashes instead as I have so many.

  4. How exciting! Looks like you've got a great area for a garden. We had to cut down some of our trees around the garden as well so that it would get enough sun. I love that you're planting some medicinal herbs - so cool!

    Best of luck with jury duty. I've never had to do it (knock on wood) but doesn't sound too fun!

  5. Kathy, I think your place looks absolutely beautiful. Clearing is darn hard work, isn't it ? Hope jury duty goes quickly and is simply interesting rather than too sad.

  6. John Deere green sounds pretty nice for the lawn furniture or maybe camouflage! ;)
    I hope you get passed over for the jury duty!

  7. You tell her, Candy! That woman I married has no taste! I thought John Deere green with yellow trim and maybe make a weight f or the umbrella out of a tractor wheel and tire. I wanna get one of those little John Deere windmills I see at Dickey Bub's to round out the pastoral beauty, too.
