Thursday, March 14, 2013

Energy Usage Down in 2012

Well, I'm back.
It looks like I failed jury duty, out of the 37 in the pool
they only needed 12 so the rest of us were dismissed.
This was my first experience with jury selection.
I will say it was quite interesting and the final
selection was something of a surprise to me 
considering the type of civil case and circumstances.
I'm still eligible to be called since it's a six month period.
One of the ladies is now serving on her second trial 
with the last one only two months ago!

On to business . . .  
Our Energy Usage was down in 2012
but only by 1% as compared to our
spectacular decrease from 2010 to 2011 of 21%.
I understand it will be considerably more difficult
to keep up a good rate but we can do better.

One observation is that we did not burn as much wood
for heat during the winter.   The winter wasn't as cold as
it was last seaon.  We didn't have the
consistent colder temperatures that allowed us to
keep the wood burner going last season.   
 We also didn't want to burn too much wood as
we didn't have as  much on hand.

Now what more can we do to get that percentage up?

**Unplug items we don't use.  
Why do I keep guest room clocks plugged in unless we have a guest.

 **Turn off more lights .
I'm bad about keeping lights on, especially when I'm home alone at night.

**Watch the summer A/C - this was our high point 
   The daily average was between $10 - 12.86.
 The low was Oct -Nov at $3.78 to $3.87  
July and August saw extended temperatures over 100 degrees F.

 We have a geo thermal system so unless we installed solar, 
we can't get much better and solar is way out of our price range.
We don't use a dishwasher at all and hang clothes to dry
when the weather allows.  

  Any other ideas?

You can read our 2011 post at this link.
                 Lowering Energy Usage by 21%


  1. Instead of turning up the heat when it gets a little chilly. I light a oil lamp. the moisture in the air makes it feel colder. The oil lamps zap the water out of the air so it warms up. Plus we don't need to turn a lights on.

    1. We keep it at 65 degrees and it has to be pretty special to turn it up to even 68. I think the worst part is the summer in STL, it's humid, the drippy, sweaty type of humid. I've been to Vegas where it was well over 100 and it didn't come close to St Louis, amazing what humidity adds. We've had visitors from other areas comment that they were surprised at how tropical it feels here in the summer. Last summer when it was over 100 for a long time our A/C worked overtime. Even with great cross ventilation, it was unbearable. Those were our only blips- they show you by month how you compared to last year and provide a breakdown by month of the avg cost per month.

  2. This is an ongoing struggle for us too.
    I actually have a post scheduled for Wednesday this week about light switches my husband installed to turn off the power to our 3 TV's (dont ask why we need 3 TV's for 2 people...) and microwave. I have seen a decrease in our bill each month since hubby installed them! (They were much cheaper than the smart strips!) I would like to have one installed on the water heater one day too.
