Sunday, December 2, 2012

Obviously Good Seeds!

I've Got Radishes!
Just not exactly where I expected them.
They are obviously great plants.
I had let some existing plants develop seed pods
and some must have spilled while I was saving them.

They started out as
from Botanical Interests.
They were Super growers, 
in fact I could not eat them fast enough.

A few seeds dropped into the expansion joint 
of our courtyard. A few beneath the umbrella holder.
It's been sort of cold, and dark by the time I get home from work
This is in the corner of my courtyard
by the hosta bed.

I just didn't notice them until this weekend
when my husband was painting the beam across the porch.

What a surprise!
What great seeds!
I'm sure I'll have lots and lots of radishes next season!


  1. How funny! I guess they were an exceptionally good batch of seeds :)

    1. I think I spotted a few more but at least they are in the dirt! I stored some of the radish pods on the side of the house until I could break them open and get the seeds. For some reason there is also catnip and lemon balm growing there. Perhaps I have a seed fairy?

  2. Haha. Congratulations! Hope you're feeling better!

    1. I wish I could say I was! I've eaten "normally" since Thanksgiving, something I hadn't done in a few months. I get diverticulitis and it reared its ugly head- or it may be that I just ate too much!!! Back to yogurt, soup and eggs for awhile. The French Onion Soup will be on hold.

      We think we know why I can't shake the "cold" sinus problem. Our house is Super Dry! He's getting headaches at night too so we're going to try a vaporizer in the bedroom to get some moisture in the house. We had a humidifier but even with the water softener, it got gunked up.

  3. You must have good ground for radishes. You will have to throw some seeds around next year.

    1. I have a bed ready for them but I think I'll grow fewer but seed more frequently.

  4. They were determine to grow. Love the front of your house.

    1. Thank you. It's taken awhile to get it back in shape after replacing the beam so he took advantage of the 70+ weather! We get mold on the sides where it's not sunny so we're going to have to wash it. Fortunately it's not the side that drops off down the ridge in back.

  5. Those are some determined little radishes! :)
