Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My Castile Purchase

I took the plunge today and purchased some Castile Soap, 
this one almond scented!

It's expensive, which is why I have put off purchasing it; 
however, our local HD channel offers programming called Create.
Yesterday they were making household cleaners
and the base was castile soap so I saw it as a sign.
(no, it couldn't be due to the medication I was taking.  LOL)
I stopped and got a bottle anyway.

It seems to do everything from washing your hair to washing the floors,
laundry and tooth brushing, aftershave, 
mouthwash and bug repellent. 

I'm going to try it plus see what else I can make using it.
Any suggestions?  Include the recipe if you can.


  1. I have 3 bars of this soap. I would love to see what uses you come up with.

    1. I have a bar of another brand of castile soap too. I've got to research this a bit. I know I have seen posts on it but now it's going to get interesting.

  2. We use it as a bath wash. Very good and you should try the peppermint one and the lavender one...

    1. I'll bet peppermint would smell wonderful in the bath!

  3. I have seen liquid soap recipes but haven't tried any yet. (She says as the bottle of castile soap STILL sets in the cupboard!) Let us know what you come up with! Not too sure I would want to brush my teeth with it though...

  4. If you are adventurous, you can make your own castile soap, but I bet there's a recipe out there for laundry soap. I'd try that, if it works and isn't too expensive.

  5. I've had a bottle around for a while, I bought it because it looked simple, and vintage, and looked like you could do a lot with it. It is Lavender. I'm not sure what all you can do with it..I've washed my hair with it a few times...keep us posted on what you will do with it..

  6. I make my own facial wash--take about 6 oz. distilled water and add 2 T. castile soap and 2 T. jojoba oil. Almond would be lovely, but I also like lavender.

    Clean your floors--add a squirt to a bucket of water.

    Soak stinky sponges in hot water with a little castile soap.

    Mix with baking soda to form a paste. Use to clean out the tub or kitchen sinks.

  7. I love castille soap and I use it for cleaning just about everything. I also add a little to my baking soda "shampoo". I just heard the other day on tv that you can also use it to clean clothing items you would normally have to dry clean like wool. Just hand wash with castille. I have not tried this yet myself though. I did try to rinse my mouth with it once and that will not be something I will be trying again....not very pleasant!

  8. I LOVE Castille soap. I use it during power outages to wash long hair. It does the job, and then the suds diminish enough if left in for a couple of minutes, so that you can rinse it out using less water than you might normally. The hair looks wonderful afterward. It should, because Castille is what is used in enemas for soap suds enemas in hospitals, which is how, as a nurse I discovered it in the first place. It is great stuff.

  9. Hiya Kathy, thank you for the tip about the suet feeders, never thought of Racoons, and even though we are smack dab in the middle of the city...we have them. I've had no takers at the feeder yet, we have it hanging under the awning on the house, the birds frequent there " usually ", I've not seen them lately, I suppose they are out and about for the ground is wet and not frozen yet. Looking forward to seeing the sputzy's at the suet feeder :)
