Monday, September 7, 2015

Watching the River Run

We enjoyed a lazy day on the river this holiday weekend.
The river is finally down and clear, exposing the sand and gravel
beaches full of shells.  The weather was good and the boat ready.

When I accompany my husband for a day on the river
we bring a little more gear than when he is just fishing.
The canopy and lawn chairs are packed up,
coolers of sandwiches, beer, soda and snacks
plus collapsible side tables.  We are so close that
there is no sense of being uncomfortable.

We plop our chairs in the water, this year we have the option of
attaching a personal sun umbrella on the side.  Other times
we have brought an extra canopy and put one of them 
in the water just off the beach.

In past years we have had several couples join us or met some
great people that are sharing the same beach.  I can't think
of a time where our beach neighbors were a problem.  It seems
that is you bring a child with you, other couples with children
stop at the same beach. It works out well.

Our stretch of river is mainly power boats with 
jets rather than propellers since the river can get down
to mere inches at times.  We've started to see more canoes
but most recently these tiny kayaks that look pretty nice.

In this photo I told Taylor to go out to the log sticking up in the 
river and sit on it, pretending to be a mermaid- or water
turtle, take your pick.  As you can see, it's not deep right
there but does fall off closer to the bluff.  I can't stand 
very far from the log.

Maybe it's because we already live in the woods
or just because we like creature comforts but
we go up there to get away from it all; 
We bring ham radio equipment
We bring a radio that is attached to the trolling motor battery
We bring our cells
We bring our tablet.

Well, if there is trouble or an emergency we can at least call for help.


  1. Your rivers are so different than ours. Love the photos. Also, I think part of getting away from it all even with gadgets is that you don't see all the things on your to-do list:)

  2. Is this the Buffalo River?
    I love it there, we went last Fall, to Jasper AR. It is beautiful!

  3. Looks like a very fun place to be! You are lucky to be so close to such a great spot! I know you enjoyed it!

  4. Looks like a relaxing time a lazy day.

  5. I take it that's the Meramec? (I don't think the Missouri River ever gets that low.) How's the fishing there?

  6. It's the Meramec river just outside of Pacific MO. We have a lot of rivers here including the Missouri and Mississippi. The Meramec is the best one by us for fishing and water play. If you get down towards Meramec Caverns you will see a lot more canoes. We have the Big River here and several lakes and this is just on the Missouri side. We have boated on the Missouri, putting in at Washington, MO or Weldon Springs. Then we have the Ozark National Scenic River Ways which is a real attraction. The Current, Jacks Fork, Eleven Point (more rapids) and within easy driving distance.

  7. Fishing is normally good on the Meramec and prime time now through October.

  8. You have so many nice clear rivers and lakes in Missouri. Most of the ones in Illinois are fairly muddy. I hear the fishing is usually better in Missouri too.

    I've been to Current River, Elephant Rock, Johnson's Shut-ins, and one particularly nice lake (or maybe a river or a river fed lake) in Potosi when I was a kid that was just incredibly clear. I wish I could remember that one. The youth group at my church in high school used to go to Camp Penuel for retreats all the time, and there are some nice lakes around there too that we swam in.

  9. Sounds so Tom Sawyer. :) Looks like great fun.

  10. It's hard to get away from tech and the comforts of home even in the bush. - Margy

  11. You had a lovely weekend and weather for it, great to get away from it all hope the weather stays kind for you for a few weeks more. Here where we are in the UK it is starting to get cool and very much has an Autumn feel to the days. Hugs, Susie x

  12. That looks very idyllic. We have a river here but people drive out of the lake up the river in motor boats and it's kind of dangerous to be out in mid river, you might get run over or cut up by the props. I like your river better.

  13. No props here, Harry. We use pumps on our outboards, essentially screw augers that replace the lower units. They draw in water through the bottom and shoot it out the back at extremely high speed. It allows our boats to travel through 2-3 inches of water when on plane.

    I have a picture of mine but I don't think I can post it.

    Scares the life out of my wonderful wife!
