Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Twice in One Week!

Twice in one week is getting out of hand!
First we get the River Hills Traveler and what do I find?
Tom's been published a second time!  

This time on how the power boats (jets) and the increasing 
canoeist and kayakers on our stretch can get along by 
understanding the very shallow rivers- which is much different than a lake-
and the capabilities or limitations of each type of boating,
reminiscent of The Farmers and the Cowman should be friends from Oklahoma.

Then today The Current arrives and "What do I see? 

I see Tommy staring at me, "
(think Brown Bear, Brown Bear)
working the Knights of Columbus
beer tent at the car show in town!

It wasn't too long ago that he was featured in The Missourian,
our local paper, for his ham radio volunteer work 
during the Boy Scout Camporee.

There have been a few others as well.
He's getting to be quite the celebrity!


  1. That's good. Some of the most well known people in our county are folks who appear frequently in the paper.
