Monday, June 29, 2015

Kefir- Diagnosis Update

Kefir, photo credit

After three weeks of treatment for my ulcerative proctitis, I have made only 
marginal improvements but the symptoms persist.  I have to begin a maintenance 
program with the medication now plus have another appointment in late July.

In the meantime I was communicating to my doctor through the healthcare
portal and explained how my symptoms had stopped at one time, until my family 
doctor prescribed a Zpack antibiotic when I came down with a sinus infection.
As soon as I took the first two pills it flared up again.  Since it was antibiotics
that caused the flare up I thought perhaps it killed off all that good bacteria
in my gut.  He agreed, it wouldn't hurt to try.

The easiest thing was to pick some up at the store to see which type I 
liked the best.  In my smaller store there was only cherry and plain, other stores 
will carry multiple flavors and formats.  There is regular kefir, organic, frozen, Greek style, vegie, kefir cheese and flavors within these categories.  Mine is Cherry.- 
you can link to its info here.  There are also recipes at this site that include dips and
marinades, breads and salads plus lots more.

I can tell you that it tastes like drinking a thick yogurt (but has twice the live and active cultures).   I prefer the light yogurt and dislike the new Greek style.  It's just a texture thing. I like thin milkshakes and ice cream as well.  Most people would like this a lot. It is tart, very cherry tasting, just like my thin cherry yogurt but thick.
You drink a cup a day or you can drizzle it over granola, cereals, make smoothies
or anything else you'd like make out of it.  For me, I just drink it.

Yesterday was my first day and I'm just finishing up another cup today.
In a few days I'll see how I'm doing.  I'll try some different flavors too, 
I think I'd like the blueberry.
I think I'd like it layered in yummy granola, maybe with whipped cream on
the top- but don't think I'll be adding those calories to my diet!  LOL


  1. Hope you are feeling better soon! God bless. ♥

  2. Just said a prayer for you. I hope you get to feeling better.

  3. I sure hope this works and you are feeling better real soon.

  4. Sure am sorry you are going through all this. I know it's hard on you.

  5. I bet it works and even if it takes a little longer than expected, it can't hurt!
    All those probiotics are good for you.
    I make mine here with milk and kefir grains bought at the Herb Mart up in Dallas. I tried putting orange peel/zest in mine and doing a second ferment for flavor. I'm thinking of trying a different flavor. I think PEACH would be wonderful!
    Hope your health improves.
