Friday, May 29, 2015

Saving Bacon Grease

If it were not for bacon I could almost be a vegetarian.
Not only do I love bacon but we also save the grease,
storing it in the refrigerator in a mason jar.  

I spread a little bit in a skillet to fry eggs in the morning before work.
I also use it to brown diced chicken breast for quesadillas, giving it
that extra something without actually adding bacon to the mix. My husband
may put a little into the green beans rather than using a slice of bacon. 
He'll use it when frying hamburgers and most anything else because
what could be better than bacon?

The price of bacon has skyrocketed if you have not noticed.  We have 
been purchasing it in bulk and then dividing it into vacuum seal bags
and freezing it.  It comes in a box and may not be perfect pieces
but it is about $2/pound.  If you look at the price at bacon in the 
store, you get less than a pound for $5-6 and it is still fatty.

Do you save your bacon grease?


  1. I save every bit of my bacon grease. I love using it to fry eggs. I also put just a dab of bacon grease in a iron skillet and toast a thick slice of sourdough bread on both sides. So good.

  2. Certainly! Only I save mine in one of those old metal "Grease" canisters in the cupboard above the stove. A pound here in central Ky is about $4 a pound, but there some brands that get up to $6. Still, I think $4 is too much :)

    Have a blessed weekend!

  3. I have heard you don't have to refrigerate it.

  4. I did not know it did not have to be refrigerated. I use a recycled jar with a lid and keep it in the fridge.
    I have noticed the price of bacon, and everything else, is going up.
    Have a blessed Sunday.

  5. I use mine for a lot of things. Two of my favorite ways to use it is in ham and beans and when I make German potato salad.

  6. I have to be honest I do not store my bacon grease, but I do love my bacon. - Margy

  7. yes, in a jar near the stove. I don't refrigerate ... it is expensive!
