Sunday, March 22, 2015

Pork Steak Rebellion

We joined the Pork Steak Rebellion

The EPA is funding a study on emissions from grilling on an open flame, suggesting that your grill should have a special catalytic emissions system and special tray to catch drippings.  One St Louis Senator, Eric Schmitt, started a Twitter Campaign to call attention to this proposal and show the EPA that they should have no authority over our backyard bar-b-ques. 

 Under #porksteakrebellion, the campaign took off, making national news and
probably a nice profit for local groceries as they sold out of pork steaks and other
bbq favorites.  I am proud to say we did our part as did my brother-sister in law when we dined on their deck with perfect weekend weather.   

Pork Steaks
Sliced potatoes wrapped in foil, buttered and seasoned.
Grilled onions with rosemary and sage.
plus a few sides.

We even carried it further, attending a bar-b-que today at our neighbor's house
with pork and chicken legs and plus all the sides.   It was tough, but someone had to do it.


  1. Awesome!
    I need to clean our grill so we can do some grilling, if the rain will stay stopped.
    Have a blessed week!

  2. Hell hath no fury like an unelected bureaucrat.

  3. I am sure they would want to not only shut down my BBQ, but my woodstove as well. Wayne did a pork roast on the BBQ last week that was wonderful. We've always done beef ones before, but I liked this one better, especially for leftovers. - Margy

  4. I'd like to see the EPA enforce that one. Maybe they would use drones armed with water balloons, and dive bomb your barbecue grill if it was smoking!

  5. Hee Hee, if someone didn't yell "PULL" and that that drone down! LOL

  6. If you REALLY want to rebell, you should fire up your old tractor (with no pollution control garbage) and grill on the rocker covers.

  7. Yahoo, I have no idea of what I am saying but Tom says it is a flat head and not much room between the plugs.
