Wednesday, December 10, 2014

WORD VERIFICATION? When Did This Happen?

I tried to comment on my own  blog and
it is asking me to complete the 
Prove You Are Not A Robot  box.

I DO NOT have word verification on.
Comment moderation is ON, so I approve them first.

Where did this come from?


  1. They had on TV a few days ago that they were getting rid of the weird verification that nobody can read so it is strange that they have slammed this method on people. I am getting tired of blogger and will probably end my blog soon and do something else.

  2. Not sure...
    I don't recall having to word verify here.
    but there it is down there ...asking, hmmm.

  3. I had one show up on my blog then one day it was gone. Still haven't figured out what happen.

  4. Yeah, they're doing it to me also, the idiots!

  5. Yeah, they're doing it to me, too, the idiots!

  6. It happened to me this week too. I don't like it, and didn't have a big spam problem without it. - Margy
