Thursday, September 4, 2014

Dehydrated Peppers

My husband's square foot test garden was very successful this year.
He planted a pepper garden with varieties such as bell peppers,
 tabascos, jalapenos, moles, banannas, and poblanos and thai dragons.
   They took off like a rocket and most are just as hot too!

He has been harvesting and pickling or dehydrating them
 for future use.  Next in the dehydrator will be the recently
picked tomatoes sliced into wagon wheel shape.  Tom
loves how concentrated the tomato flavor becomes, almost
sweet.  He's been known to take a few to work for a mid-day meal.

We still have tomatillos to process plus all the rest of the peppers
that are still growing on the vine.  

I came down with a 24-48 hr virus and was sicker than a dog
yesterday, still a bit today but I know I am improving- I felt
like cleaning up the mess of cups and hard candy wrappers that I made 
while laying in my recliner and wishing I could keep something down, 
even water would have been nice.

We just returned from a trip to the gas station.  Where I live that is a combination gas station, grocery, restaurant and minor cleaning and hardware supplies plus
the required live bait.  When I am sick I always want a slush, sometimes
I can keep it down when all else fails.  I came home with my favorite,
blue raspberry!  I can feel the healing already.

I'm still on-and-off with my posts as I have some other
issues to deal with for a bit so pardon the sporadic publications.


  1. The peppers look good although i can't eat them I love them so much. Praying you feel better soon. There's some wicked viruses going around. Hugs, xo

  2. What a great mix of peppers! I am trying to dehydrate mine too. Feel better soon!

  3. Gosh. Are you sick now on top of dealing with other issues? I hope you are feeling better soon.

  4. Thanks, I feel better today. My co-worker thinks my resistance is down due to stress and I would have to agree. My boss suggested I should take today off and just rest up - plus he probably doesn't want me to spread any lingering bugs across the dept during our fiscal year end. So I am sacrificing a vacation day that I should have saved and taking the day to just relax. Maybe I'll drive into town and look at the resale shops or something. I am finishing the binding on a quilt so I'll get that finished as well.
