Monday, April 14, 2014

Spot Says- No More Snow

No More Snow

  Spot the cat hit it right on the nose.
The trees are flowering, early wild flowers are making their debut
but what happens tonight?
A Freeze Warning!
And now It's Snowing!!!

Let's take a look at the place a day ago-

Dutchman's Breeches


May Apples

I'm not certain what this is, we had some guesses last year.

Around here the last frost is supposed to be April 15 
but to be on the safe side you should wait until at 
least May 1 for anything other than cold tolerant plants.

And speaking of May 1, that's only a couple of weeks away.
My husband and I will be celebrating our wedding anniversary-
32 years of marriage.  He was my Jr. High School boyfriend 
which puts us at 40 years together on April 29.
We would love to take an overnight trip some weekend to celebrate 
 but with the cats and chickens (mostly the chickens), 
we really don't get away so I'm looking at the 
MO Visitor's Guide to see what nice day trips we might
 take sometime in May so we can be back that night.

Here's hoping Spring will decide to stick around awhile!


  1. Ouch! I'm with the cat on that one - enough snow already. What I want to know is who made Mother Nature so grumpy this winter? Keep well & hope you get spring soon.

  2. I hope your winter weather will be over soon. Wow Happy Anniversary that is great!

  3. Had to cover my herbs & strawberry bed this evening. Unfortunately, the fruit trees will have to tough it out; hope we get fruit this year :(

    LOVE the kitty pic and Happy Anniversary!

  4. Congratulations!

    They said here, there is always a frost before Easter Sunday, so that is tonight for us, too.

    I'm hoping the apple blossoms will be okay.
    My mom had 5 inches of snow in Michigan.

    Stay warm and be safe!

  5. I'm with you, I hope this is winter's last Hooray. Bring on spring. Thanks for your sweet comments on mine. I hope you have a nice Easter.

  6. Temperatures are dropping tonight, but I don't think they're calling for snow here. Hope it passes over (Passover, get it :-P) your home.

  7. You are the only couple I know who has been married longer than my wife and I have. We don't get much extra time because I met her in July and married her the following November.

    Below freezing here last night. Supposed to be the same tomorrow.
