Thursday, February 6, 2014

Granny Squircles

It just shouldn't be this difficult!
EVERYONE can make a granny square, 
everyone but me!!

I think I make granny squircles
not quite a square, not quite a circle.
More like a mess.

See the RED one?
That's one made by my co-worker. This is how it should look.
See the pink ones?
I started on those the other day --there are more.
I finally stopped when I got too frustrated.
Then I moved on to GREEN yarn,
as if that would somehow improve my technique!

I have watched YouTube videos.
I have watched slow motion videos.
I have followed along Wiki articles with step by step photos.
I got a little closer- the large green one.
Still, it's ummmmm... wrong.

My co-worker owes me a tutorial at lunch
(I traded eggs for it)
but our schedules haven't come together yet.
I will say that she gave me a pre-read of her instructions
and she made me about 10 examples.

I'm thinking, if I play my cards right,
she may  make me 10 more examples.
Then maybe another 10.
At some point she will get sick of it
 and just make me the entire afghan!

Think it will work?


  1. What does one do with a granny square? I would guess they get made into quilts.

  2. That is too funny - I love the word squircles:) There is probably just some silly little something to do or not to do that makes all the difference. Keep at'er and you'll get it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Harry, yes afghans, pillows, etc. I tried to paste a link but it was way too long. Google granny square images.

  5. Harry, yes afghans, pillows, etc. I tried to paste a link but it was way too long. Google granny square images.

  6. Squircles...too funny! Once you get it figured out you will wonder what all the fuss was about! :)
