Monday, June 3, 2013

April & May Showers Bring June Flowers

It has come down in buckets
the entire property looks as if we live in 
a rain forest and judging by the bugs, we must.
While the vegetable garden is suffering, 
the garden flowers are thriving.
At least those that are not being devoured by worms.
 I'll identify the plant below each photo.

Red Hot Poker Plants in early bloom,
soon to be festooned in brilliant oranges
and yellow.

Please send more lady bugs!
And something to eat all these worms.
The birds are not even bothering with the feeders
too much crawling protein to bother with seed.
Soon to be purple cone flowers.

These wild daisy (??) flowers are in bloom everywhere
joining the wild columbine, bee balm and lambs ear.

The honeysuckle will take your breath away.
As soon as you open the door you can smell the aroma everywhere.

This is the pretty side of our wet Spring.
The other side is the rivers of mud,
the flooding and another power outage as we 
battled Friday's storms (St Louis) plus
the cabbage worms that have now joined
in the leaf eating frenzy.

We may have lost another batch of eggs during 
the power outage.  I had been working the church 
rummage sale and got caught in the pavilion
straightening up the clothing displays as the
fast moving storms arrived.  When it let up
I sprang for the church hall which was fortunate
as a flaming ball of lightning hit the middle of 
the church parking lot shortly thereafter.
Needless to say, sales were light.
We lost power Friday night as we were a week into
incubation so we'll see what happens.


  1. There are two sides to every coin: the rain brings beautiful flowers, as well as flooding and storms. In my neck of the woods, the sunshine brings pleasant days, as well as drought and wildfires.

    I hope the eggs survive, and thanks for sharing the beautiful photos of lush greenery!

  2. Glad to hear you are okay! Wow.
    Thanks for sharing your flowers with us. :-)

  3. Glad to hear you ok. The flowers look lovely. Sounds like a busy time for you.

  4. We have similar flowers here, the calves love to eat the honeysuckle so I cut it and throw it over the fence.

  5. Wow. Your flowers are glorious!

    And that fragrance of honeysuckles.

    Just so delicious!

  6. Your flowers are beautiful!!! I'm always amazed and thankful of the beauty that God has surrounded us with! Thanks for sharing...:)
