Sunday, May 5, 2013

Eulogy for a Cat- RIP Lizzie

Lizzie, our 10 yr old cat, passed away sometime during the night. She had been failing for the past few months and the last day or two we knew the end was near. She was a stray kitten found in a sheet lined box along side the road with several other siblings. It had been raining heavily and the box was almost under water in the drainage ditch.  The mama cat was attempting to save her kits; however, they had become wrapped up in the wet sheet unable to escape.  My daughter saw them as she was driving by and rescued them.

Only Cookie, Dan and Gina's (my brother/sister in law) rescue, survives from that litter. 
I will have to bury Lizzie this damp and soggy morning, not an easy task on our rocky ridge. 

She was a very good cat, becoming deaf in later years. She was content to sleep on your lap, especially if we were sitting around the bonfire. She never realized her main goal in life- to be the ONLY cat in the whole world, but was number 1 in our hearts!


  1. I'm so sorry. I know Lizzie will be missed.

    1. She will. I didn't tell my granddaughter yet since it was her first communion yesterday and didn't want to put a damper on her day. She really loved Lizzie.

  2. I'm very sorry Kathy, she was a beautiful girl. {{HUGS}}

  3. I had a cat that looked like her a long time ago. We have an 18 year old tortoiseshell cat that is still pretty good physically but is getting some mental problems of sorts and just isn't with it anymore. It is not fun to watch them go down like that.

    1. You are right. The last night she must have gone blind. She didn't really acknowledge anything so I'm sure she wasn't mentally there either.

  4. I feel my pet's death like that of a family member. My heartfelt sympathies.

    1. Thank you. Mostly all our pets are strays and we probably had her the longest.

  5. I am so sorry I know how hard it is when you lose a beloved pet.

  6. I'm sorry that Lizzie had to leave you so soon but glad that she was able to share her time here with you. Hopefully she's already on the way to her next feline adventure :)
