Friday, April 19, 2013

Loving The Stoneware- My New Old Dishes

 Plates just like Mom had.
 They may have been a grocery store promotion,
where you gather points for a set of dishes
or  buy a piece for $X.xx when you spent so much money.
Either way, I grew up with these dishes.

Now, I'm a huge stoneware fan, 
nothing fancy, they don't even need to be a perfect match.
I like the older patterns and find them in thrift shops everywhere.

 I was at the St. Vincent DePaul thrift shop 
which is next to a quilt shop I was visiting.
I found almost an entire set here plus  extra plates.
I  choose to take the extras and leave the remainder 
of the full set for someone else. 
I don't need 12 more saucers, cups or salad plates.

Dinnerplate $4 at Replacement websites
$1 at St Vincent DePaul Thrift

  My current set was discovered in a thrift shop as well,
an entire set of 12-16 for around $20. 
Now we are down most of the plates and I need to make 
some sort of change.  When I saw the strawberries, 
I knew I'd pick up the plates.  The solitary brown ring around
the remainder of the set is close enough                 
to the pieces from my current set.

This was our first set, 
one I purchased from Dolgen's before we got married.
I've got oodles of family china and more to be handed down
so I didn't want to register for any dishes.  
This is still my all time favorite.
I still have a large round platter but that's about it.
  If I could find a full set somewhere I'd leap at it.
I won't pay the e-bay or replacement company prices.

$8- 10 per plate on line.

 I have another full set stored in the basement.
We were driving down our county road and saw a yard sale
which was held by the family of a couple that had passed away.
I bought all their dishes, bowls, serving pieces, etc.  I would
have pulled them out but they don't match the good 
pieces I still have left- with the brown ring around it.

Until then, I'll enjoy dishes from the past.


  1. I love the old stoneware too! I have two oversized plates that I use for platters when we BBQ in the summer. When it comes time to replace our current dishes, I think I'll look at the thrift stores like you did. :)

  2. I remember that first set. I have several of the old stoneware.But none of mine match. There still fun to use.

  3. We like stoneware, too. Would love to find some of the older stuff.
    I will definitely keep looking.
    Have a blessed weekend!

  4. I like dishes in fact it is one of my weaknesses. You have some very cute patterns! Have a great weekend!

  5. I'm like Dolly - I have a weakness for dishes, especially those found at the thrift shop for tiny $$!!

    Keep hunting, you'll eventually collect your entire set.
