Monday, January 28, 2013

Woodland Finds

Whatever could have caused this?

Hop over and see what you think!

Sorry for the short cuts this week.  
I thought I'd put up some woodland posts with our short stretch of good weather.
Tornado threats the next two days as a result of our 76 degree temps today,
a far cry from the ice we had on Sunday!

We battened down the greenhouse so we'll see how it does, hopefully well,
unless a tree comes down on it.


  1. I don't know what could have made that print. Intriguing!

    We are at risk of bad weather tonight as well. Hope you guys make it through ok!

  2. It does look like a print. Strange. I like those shag bark hickory trees, they probably developed the bark to protect themselves from some long gone type of animal that was a threat to them, hickories are like a fruit tree and some birds peck the none shag bark types.
