Sunday, January 6, 2013

Turkeys In the Garden

We had visitors today in our little side garden.
They are huge!
This is where we grow the lettuce and radishes.
My husband quickly took this photo out our window.
Turkeys have exceptional hearing and vision so
it's very difficult to get a good shot when you have to open the door.

Some of you may have read about them visiting our chickens.
This photo was from the other day and posted at this blog

I ran upstairs to the top porch, hoping to sneak up on them, but no luck. 
 As soon as I unlatched and pushed open the screen door,
they heard the "pop" and saw me, even on the second floor.
Then they scattered:
Into the woods and over the brush pile.

They will be back,
every day the make the same journey,
scavenging in the garden areas and visiting chicks
who just may have kicked some grain outside of their fencing.


  1.'s always a joy to see nature in their own surroundings.

  2. would be neat if you could "get" a turkey dinner! ;)

  3. How neat! I love unexpected guests, as long as they aren't predators!
