Saturday, October 27, 2012

What a Sweetie, Potato That Is

How did it know?
I had a teeny sweet potato from my planter box.
Nothing much to talk about, too small to cook.
So I poked it with toothpicks
and set it in water beneath 
a lamp on the kitchen counter.

After awhile the water began to smell pretty bad.
I started to change it more frequently.
Nothing happened.
Today I started to throw it out.

Suddenly it had sprouts.
It had leaves!
I guess sometimes you just have 
to push those little sweeties
to get them to do anything!

I think I'll set it over with the other plants 
by the sunny window.  
I guess I'll have vines all over the place pretty soon!


  1. You will have a plant pet for the winter and set it out in the spring.

  2. How cool! Good thing you didn't toss it out!

  3. I remember doing that with the kids when I was a teacher. - Margy

  4. That is neat.. A kid would have fun with too..

  5. New follower here! I just found you through the Barn Hop. I would love for you to come share at my weekly Farm Girl Blog Fest: Hope to see you there! Lisa/Fresh Eggs Daily

  6. How cool! I would never have thought of doing
