Saturday, August 18, 2012

Another Villain in Town

Just when you think you have it all down, there's a new guy in town.
The dreaded cucumber beetle.
Oh so pretty with his little spots, looking lady buggish.
But he's sick, greenly sick.  And after your cucumbers, melons and squash.
I found mine inside a broken squash vine, just sitting around.
The rest were resting on what is left of my cucumber vines, which didn't do very well anyway.
I don't really know what to do about these.
I can't spray, the bees are too busy and the mantis is hanging around eating bad bugs.

I did kill the Grand Daddy of all squash bugs today.  
This was no nymph, no young adult.
He was as brown and crusty as they come.
I am hoping they are like vampires.
You kill the source, they all die.
Good luck with that, right?

I'm going to have a guest host in a day or so.
There will be a tutorial- and a recipe.
You'll have to check back and see!

Until then, enjoy the weekend!


  1. If you spray organic spray at night the flowers are closed and the beetles eat the vine so it will kill them.
    Mexican bean beetles are my big problem but the beans are about done now.

  2. Hmmmm. Since I had no cucumbers this year, I guess that's why I haven't seen any of those around. Squash bugs, yes. Guess because I have squash. Go figure. duh.

  3. We have had good luck with NEEM oil for those nasty villains. I have just a few squash bugs but my big problem right now is grasshoppers. I have been doing the grasshopper stomp every time I go out to the garden!
