Sunday, April 22, 2012

Pure Maple Sugar

The Sweetest Gift- Pure Maple Sugar
from Catawissa MO maples grown within 
a few miles of our home.
A gift from friends.

Our friends, Laura and Dennis, are amazing people.  We met them when we were volunteers on a committee that brings local non-profit organizations together at large events to broaden their reach, offer local entertainment and showcase the town.  

Laura is a chainsaw artist, carving items such as bears, eagles, benches and personalized logs for home or business.  They live on several wooded acres in a very unique teeny home next to the lake- by  choice as there are traditional homes on the property that they rent out.  They are very self sufficient, always looking for sustainability opportunities.

This year they processed their sap into both syrup and sugar.  They sent over a bottle of the sugar for us to try and it is delicious.  She has not decided if she will sell it direct or through a vendor so I cropped the address and phone number from the bottle.  

They are also clearing several acres to begin raising meat goats and planting herbs to creating other items for sale in our local markets.   It will be fun watching their process and lending a hand.  In the meantime, it's sweet treats for us!


  1. Oh, that maple sugar does look good ;) :)Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  2. Good for them! I'm sure it will sell well!! I know I would buy some! :)

  3. Wonderful!
    It's great to have people you can turn to when starting a new venture.
    Have a wonderful week! :o)
