Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Devastation in the Potato Tower

They got it.  They ravaged the potato tower.  

Who?  Not sure, but 
If I had to guess . . . .

Randy "The Digger" Raccoon

or perhaps

Paulie "The Tater" Possum

I guess we'll need to cover it with chicken wire until it is more established. Nothing was eaten, just disturbed.

  With the hen house straw covering it they must think we planted chicks!

Animal images from Micro Soft Clip Art.


  1. Grrrr! How frustrating! Y'all worked hard on that. Good luck, and I hope you figure out a way to keep the critters out! =)

    1. I put some chicken wire on it a few minutes ago and disguised it with some straw from the coop. I'll have to do a better job but this was a quick fix. It should surprise them if nothing else.

  2. I hate when that happens. Our problem is deer. They ate my lettuce to almost nothing. Glad to hear you still have your plants.

    1. We kept the deer out by using fishing wire strung between posts around our garden. They would bump up against it without seeing what it was so it spooked them. I hear old VHS tape is good too because it makes a weird sound when the wind blows it.

  3. Oh my,
    Kathy I was surprised to wake up and see that bandits had already struck. Wow. Chicken wire, that'll show em. Have a great day.


  4. They probably did!
    Better luck with the chicken wire. :o)

  5. Those little tater turds. Sneaky little boogers aren't they. Well at least you know what to expect and can counter attack with the chicken wire.~Ames

  6. Get those taters under wraps quick! Hope you can save them!

  7. Aw, come on, you don't really think it could have been one of those cute, innocent looking little critters now, do you?!? LOL!! At least they didn't eat the potatoes.
    Paulie "The Tater" Possum...great name! :)

  8. I have to secure it better but the chicken wire kept it mostly intact. They got the potato on the edge= my fault, I was in a hurry and sore from pulling out my back. I'll get it fixed this weekend.

  9. Oh, those ornery little things! I've got a rabbit that I'm fighting a war against, but never thought about raccoons wanting to dig up potatoes. So glad I read your post, as I'll now put chicken wire over them!
