Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Year of Skies

The last skies of 2011. It's December in the Midwest, typically a time for sweaters and caps, boot and gloves; however, we've been given a reprieve, a day or two where we can get by with a sweatshirt or light jacket.

The sun peeks out from behind the clouds highlighting tree tops amid a darkened sky. It's a good day for stray cats who will relax on front porch chairs waiting for someone to give their chins a scratch. Like us, do they remember the warm days of summer?

Perhaps floating the river on cloudless summer days?

Or the stormy spring clouds ushering in lightening and strong winds.

Perhaps the dark green tumbling clouds disguising rain encased tornados- Robertsville one year ago- New Year's Eve 2010.

December 30: The sun sets, silhouetting the trees that overlook the valley

and rises on the last day of 2011.

May 2012 be happy and prosperous for you and yours.


  1. Your December sky photos are so dramatic! Our own Northwood skies are very heavy and gray today...snow is building for tonight through Monday with high winds predicted...hoping the power holds for the Packer game tomorrow.
    Staying home this New Year's Eve by the fire and a quiet glass of wine to celebrate.

    Wishing you the Happiest of New Year's and more lovely skies to come...

  2. Beautiful pictures! I especially like the stormy spring clouds!!
    Happy, happy New Year to you!!

  3. I love looking at the pictures you take. They are so lovely. Happy New Year.

  4. Happy New year Kathy. May you have many blessings in 2012!
