Saturday, December 10, 2011

Santa Rides Again - Christmas on a Harley

We made our annual visit to Santa at our local Harley dealer, something we started years ago when a freak snow storm interrupted our mall visit. See previous post. Now it's a tradition, every year, and I don't care how old she gets. We'll be standing in that line when she's 27!

Santa had a line a mile long, or perhaps it just seemed that way. The children were very well behaved. Maybe it had something to do with the bake sale table being next to the line! They are always collecting for one good cause or another.

They display the traditional orange tree decked out with Harley ornaments aplenty. Every year she gets to pick out a stuffed animal- not your typical bears or bunnies- but skunks, chipmunks, opossum, squirrels, moles and armadillos. Believe it or not, they are adorable.

Pretty elves helped to guide the kids and point out some fine apparel.

Of course there is a sea of bikes and trikes, leather purses, shirts, pants, belts and caps.

Afterwards we took a trip to Wimpy's (as in Popeye), a restaurant that has been going strong since the 1930s. There are three booths with table tops covered in Popeye cartoons and a J shaped counter with those round stools that have swivel tops. You sit at the counter and watch them open the refrigerator, take out your burger and fry it on the tiny flat grill. They plop it down on a sheet of waxed paper with a basket of fries plus a cola on the side. You are within arms reach of the two or three workers who will discuss anything from women's ailments to local gossip. The topic of the day revolved around the T-shirt order where the "g" in Washington, MO was omitted in error. Now Wimpy's resides in Washinton, MO! It's great and it's local, no big chain with who knows what in the beef.

There is a message in the previous post, one we all need to remember. It hit home for me at that "biker" place. If you can, take a minute to read it, if not just know: "So the magic of Christmas didn’t stop at a child’s wonder but also transformed the preconceived ideas of a grandma. Peace on earth and goodwill to all. Merry Christmas."


  1. What a great tradition. I didn't know Harley did all that. So did they let you pay Tuesday for a burger today. I know corny. But I couldn't help self. Sorry

  2. Ive never seen an orange Christmas tree before!!!

  3. She looks great with Santa. Matthew went to the mall for a Santa picture too but this year it didn't come out to well. Orange Christmas tree? It looks horrid.

  4. Awww, Manny. Are you going to post it anyway? All Santa photos are good. The orange tree: There was a green one by Santa but orange is a Harley color so they always have the traditional Harley tree. I wouldn't choose it but I do have a white one that I put up once decorated in gold and red. We also had the traditional green with all the ornaments from years past. I normally have a green one.

  5. I loved the story in your previous post!! We all have preconceived notions sometimes don't we?!? ;-)

  6. Just seeing this now Kathy. Sure, I'll post it. I need to get it off my wife's computer though.
