Saturday, November 5, 2011

Looking for Natural Remedies

Calling for help- I'm trying to develop reference documents for natural remedies that can be found in your own backyard, for instance, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, pain killers, etc. If you have a tried and true remedy, please send me a link to your post(s) or website.

As an example, if we have an infected tooth and for one reason or another can't get to a dentist or obtain a prescription, what would we do? What about a cut that has the potential to become infected? Natural remedies for pain killers.

I'm thinking about printing them and storing them in a three ringed binder divided into categories, just in case one day I need this information at my fingertips- and I don't have a computer,

Just in case. Thanks!

image only link


  1. I like that idea. Iam going to have to steal a few from your comment post. The only home remedy I have(sorry, it isn't much.) is for Hicups. You take a spoon of sugar and swallow it before it melts. It resets your breathing pattern.So no more Hicups.

  2. making your own colloidal silver for an antibiotic is #1 in my book.

  3. Oh, I have tried the hicup cure and yes, it does work!

  4. The silver, could you put it in a nose spray type bottle instead of netti or is the netti pot better?

  5. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome = Daily mega-doses (no less than 300mg) of vitamin B6

    I thought I was getting this back when I was a butcher years ago. It's a fairly common ailment for grocery workers in general. My hands would be fairly numb (at least two fingers and the thumb on each hand) till almost noon every morning. I had no pain though, and maybe that's the key. I think legitimate CTS will generally be accompanied by pain.

    Anyway, I looked through some home remedy books one day and found that some doctors were treating people with CTS with mega-doses of vitamin B6. The theory was that many people actually just have a tightening of veins, arteries, etc. (mostly in their hands) because they weren’t getting enough B6 in their diet. So I tried 500mg a day and within a three weeks I noticed some obvious improvement. Within two months I was completely normal. About ten years later I started getting the numbness again. This time I nipped it in the bud and started the B6 early. I was cured within three weeks. I always take a multivitamin, but the amount of B6 you get in those is far too small to do any good, so don’t think a one a day vitamin will help you—it won’t.

    If you bite down on an aspirin directly on your hurting tooth it can help with the toothache at least a little. A dentists told me this once and it really does work.

    Hitting your finger with a hammer will make you forget it altogether. Just thinking out loud.

  6. LOL- well, I'd prefer to avoid the hammer hitting but in a pinch, you never know. I get sort of a cramping in my hands once in awhile, usually with some type of repeated task but it doesn't last long. That B6 sounds interesting.

  7. I have always used vitamin K cream to help clear bruises and under-eye dark circles. Not really a life-treatening problem, but my son is a typical boy and always has at least three bruises on his legs at any given time. And, being a typical boy, I am always fighting dark circles from lack of sleep.

  8. I know honey works as an antibiotic and antiseptic to help with minor skin abrasions and burns. Lavender also has similar properties. I have a book "The Complete Medicinal Herbal" by Penelope Ody from 1993 that lists lots of herbal/natural remedies like garlic, vitamin E oil, essential oils and herbs like chamomile, feverfew and echinacea and how to use them. A good reference book such as this would be ideal.

  9. Honey is used to help cure wounds. Calendula (pot marigold) helps aid healing. Charcoal can be ingested (in small amounts) to cure upset stomach. My grandmother used to make "tar grease" using "activated" charcoal, sulfur, pine tar, and I don't know what else. She used it to cure dandruff and other skin aliments. Also, soak a copper penny in vinegar (a REAL copper penny) until it starts to turn green. The resulting concotion is a powerful antifungal solution that can be sued to treat ringworm, athlete's foot, etc. :- Hope this helps! -CW

  10. Yikes, reading that seemed like the cure was worst than the disease. Moldy bread, no thanks. ;)

  11. Toothache plant:

    Also, plantain is a great medicinal herb when it comes to bites and stings. In case of bad bites, combined with activated charcoal compresses it's effective on almost any kind of a bug or spider bite.

    Also, I use a 9 volt battery on stings and bites of the normal, less dangerous type. Just get the bite area wet and put the two terminals against your skin. It neutralizes the venom and is a fast relief item. I keep one in my first aid box and one in my truck box. I've heard that you can tape a penny to a bee sting and get relief. I've never tried that one.

  12. Oh, I have some toothache seeds but haven't planted them. They are heirloom and good for awhile. I didn't know that about the 9 volt!
