Saturday, November 26, 2011

Goat Milk Laundry Soap Giveaway

If you would like to have a chance to win some goat's milk laundry soap there is a giveaway over at Homestead Drying Racks. She is introducing Christy at Artisan Farmstead Living. There's a link below- just follow the instructions and you too will have a chance to win plus meet a couple of nice bloggers!


homestead drying racks blog link


  1. Thank you for spreading the word Kathy. I didn't realize this giveaway was going on yet.

  2. Thanks for the heads-up about this giveaway - I'll be heading over to enter!

    By the way, I have a giveaway going on of a Canvas Photo Print that would make a gorgeous Christmas gift! Drop in to enter!

    Angie @ Knick of Time Interiors

  3. Goat's milk makes good soap? That sounds odd.

  4. It's supposed to. I haven't tried it but certainly would love to win some and give it a test! Goat facial/hand soap is supposed to be good for your skin too. My friend's daughter went to estition school(cosmetology)and said we're not supposed to use all these harsh soaps on us-milk is the best thing for skin.
