Thursday, October 13, 2011

Two Faced Bowl

I thought I would take a break from preparedness and just have a fun post about something pretty. Can you all see them? The two faces in this bowl?

Maybe you can see it a little better if I enlarge it. There are two, one on either side.

Isn't this interesting? The bowl came from my grandmother's home; however, I have no idea where she got it or how old it is, other than I remember it as a child. There are no markings on the back or I would try to research it a bit. Maybe I'll stumble across something similar some day that will give me a hint.

Hope you enjoyed it. Have a wonderful evening!


  1. I love that, and I've never seen anything like it. You've got a real treasure.

  2. I couldn't care less about dishes, but even I have to admit that's really intriguing. Bet that'll be worth something one day.

  3. So happy you posted about this and showed such lovely images...I vaguely remember reading about this type of china years ago but have never really seen what it looks like until now.
    thinking I need to visit the Living Well Blog...after a discouraging doctor's appointment this week I have taken up my treadmill again & trying to eat more carefully!
    Thank you so much for your earlier visit and for listing my blog under your own blogs lists. I will do the same!

  4. Thank you! I need to get on my treadmill too. I lost quite a bit of weight when I wasn't feeling well but now I am putting some back on since I feel better.
