Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dehydrated Potato and Green Pepper Recipe

Here it is, you all asked for it- my dehydrated potato dish. I followed the recipe from Real Food for Real People below, using all dried ingredients, except the butter and onions but then I added my own ingredients too. I like these cheesy.

2 Tbsp. Nonfat Dry Milk
2 Tbsp. Flour
2 Tbsp. Cornstarch
1 tsp. Onion Powder or 1 Tbsp. Crushed Dried Onions
(I omitted this since I used fresh onions)
1/8 tsp. Black Pepper
3 Tbsp. Butter or Margarine
2-3/4 cups boiling Water
3 C dehydrated potato slices

onions to taste
dried green pepper pieces to taste
grated cheddar to taste

Pour the potatoes into a medium size ungreased casserole and sprinkle the sauce mix on top. Dot with butter; stir in the boiling water. Bake at 400 degrees F for 30 to 35 minutes or until tender. If you are cooking something else at a lower temperature in your oven, adjust the baking time; at 350 degrees bake 40 to 45 minutes; at 325 degrees bake 50 to 55 minutes.

I started out with a medium dish, poured in the potatoes and crunched up some green peppers for a little extra flavor, additionally, adding some onions left over from my husband's chili pot he was preparing.

Next I mixed all the dry ingredients. I chose to use all dried ingredients (except the butter & onions) since we're supposed to be learning to live on our preparedness foods. I assume we may be making our own butter or bartering for it someday.

Sprinkle the dry ingredients all over and add the pats of butter.

Stir in the boiling water, mix it up well. My potatoes started to re hydrate right away.

I baked it for just a little over half an hour, in my normal oven rather than the convection oven. I tested for tenderness and it was perfect. I'll bet they would also be good with some of my husband's chili plopped on top! I also prepared more zucchini bread- with a little shredded cucumber added. We'll have a nice dinner or two out of this.

I think it's important that we not only prepare, but that we practice. One day we may wake up and find, in the blink of an eye, that our world has changed be it from natural disasters, financial collapse, etc. Those of us that have practiced will have a greater confidence level. So regardless of why you are preparing, test it and make sure you find out everything that can go wrong and then test it again.

I hope you will also share your recipes with me and I wish you all good eating!


  1. Looks delish! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I will try this one with my dehydrated potatoes.

  2. Thank you for sharing. I was just thinking that I should dehydrate some potatoes but wasn't really sure what to do with them after! This looks great.

  3. Thank you! I have been dehydrating potatoes and have yet to try them out! This will help alot!

  4. Thank you for sharing! Now I'm off to dehydrate some potatoes!

  5. We just got another 10lb bag. Normally they are $1/lb here but these are on sale for $0.50 per lb so I'm taking advantage. We had them tonight as leftovers and still very, very good. We'll try the skillet bake next- it's sort of like Hamburger helper but I'm sure better.
    I just love this recipe because you can pre make the dehydrated sauce packs and store it up or hand it out in a basket of goodies for birthdays or holidays. I think a homemade food basket (canned, dehydrated, baked) might be a really nice fundraiser donation too.

  6. Yum! And what you said about not only preparing, but also practicing, is so true. And sometime I need to do more of. And, I think I just might experiment with dehydrated some potatoes this year, too! Thanks for sharing with the Homestead Barn Hop!
