Tuesday, August 9, 2011

White Stink Bugs? Dead Zukes- SQUASH BUGS!

In a matter of days my zucchini are yellowing, wilting and falling to the ground. I thought the heat was getting to my them until I started moving the vines around. There you have it, stink bugs! But what is this? White stink bugs, some sort of powdery and most much smaller than the brown ones? I have plenty of zukes so the loss isn't tragic but I need to get rid of these bugs so I can replant for fall.

They are moving too fast to get a photo but I'm calling on all of you- white stink bugs? Any ideas on how to kill them? I'm forced to use chemicals at this point- a total invasion.

Added: These are squash bugs- thank you. The control link said they are hard to kill- see the comment boxes.


  1. Is it possible that you have squash bugs? Check this link, it may help. I hope you get em'.

    Organic option- http://www.ghorganics.com/PyrethrumInsecticideSpray.html

  2. I've never heard of them. I just realized why my mother hasn't gotten any zukes and you've had so many. My mother switched off a few years ago from regular Zuchini to some sort of butternut looking squash. The come later in the season. They have such great tasting flesh.
