Thursday, August 18, 2011

Peeking Pumpkins

I have been waiting all season for these little guys to turn orange and here they are peeking out at me! I've been on pins and needles hoping that they would survive the squash bugs so my little granddaughter, Taylor, would have a chance to pick one all by herself, right out of her garden.

Here's another one! So far three kids get pumpkins!

And yet a fourth! I think there are a couple more tucked under vines and leaves. They are all very small and mostly volunteers from my nephew's tossed out pumpkin that ended up in the mulch pile. I planted some seeds too so I'm not sure which plants these belong to.

I love fall- my very favorite season-Beautiful colors, cool nights to sit by the bonfire and roast marshmallows and drinking apple cider at fall festivals.


  1. I love pumpkins and Fall is my favorite season too! Great job on growing your own. I am posting lots of great pumpkin recipes on my sidebar. Can hardly wait for pumpkin season to begin.

    "The Grandmama Does It"

  2. Don't forget the cider donuts - they're one of my Fall favorites. Nothing like having your own pumpkin patch!

  3. Cider donuts??? I love donuts, I'll have to make these.

  4. What is not to love about punkins...? I might like to try my hand at these...

  5. They look so cute when they're so small. I wonder if Matthew is old enough to go pumpkin picking? You think he can handle it at two years old?

  6. This is the perfect year to take him to a pumpkin patch. Ours usually have more than just pumpkins, sometimes little kid activities like a corn or straw bale maze or a fort, perhaps a track with pedal or push bikes, a corn bin that the kids play in or slide down into, story telling, face painting, food. Such a good time! If you can attend, take LOTS of photos.

  7. Thanks. I will definitely do it then.

  8. Adorable little pumpkins! I love fall too! It's my favorite season!
