Monday, June 13, 2011

Lettuce Give it a Try

It may be a bit atypical, and it may not even work; however, I am going to give it a try! It's much too hot to grow lettuce here for very long with our hot, sticky, humid summers-- something that sometimes surprises folks from out of town. Well, it's really not all that hot inside when either the air conditioning is on or whole house fan is running. And I do have an unused breakfast nook that is essentially surrounded by two walls of glass. So . . . why not try to plant lettuce in a "window box" planter indoors!

I saw a cute planter at one of those big box stores. It was a nice round, about two inch deep clay dish with a variety of lettuces growing in it. Obviously for outdoor use, I thought to myself, "Kath," (yes, I really thought that), "you can do that in your own house!"

Well here it is, the start of my little indoor lettuce garden. I hope it takes off and we can snip a little here and there, mixing it in with traditional head lettuce, putting a few leaves on a nice sandwich or maybe a little garnish for looks.

Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck! But if it's too hot why don't you grow lettuce either in the early spring or late fall? My mother grows arugula and it seems to grow into the fall. Oh and she grows brocoli rabe in the early spring.

    Not sure if you're going to go back to my blog to see my reply, so I'll repeat it here. Our cable station has options where you can pay for a foreign station. Actually when we were growing up, there was an Italian station somewhere on the dial of regular TV in the NY area. I guess there were so many Italian immigrants to justify it. Today the immigrants are old and dying off or moving away.

  2. We do have lettuce in the garden now. It's the garden we share with the neighbors and she planted some type of mix. I thought I'd see if I could extend the season as the temperatures are getting pretty hot these days. I'm not certain we had Spring this year. It changed from winter to summer with storms in between.

    That's interesting about the cable channels. All you can purchase here are smutty movie channels, which we don't. Even the kid channels are starting to lean in the wrong direction. You sure can tell I'm getting old! "Why can't they make TV shows like I grew up with!" LOL

  3. I hear you on the TV stations. We cancelled the smutty crap too.
