Saturday, June 11, 2011

A 150 Years of Photo Memories - Virginia Templeman

Photo Memories- 150 Years of Memories

My husband created a Facebook page, in honor of my grandmother, that contains photographs of life in Bethany, MO which is located in Northwest Missouri not too far from the Iowa border. Many of the photos date back to late 1800s. We some have some darraugotypes and tintypes as well.

My grandmother never threw anything out. She stored it all away in trunks and old dresser drawers, you might find bits and pieces of our family history packaged up as a Christmas gift or tucked into a birthday card.

During town festivals or parades she would loan out items to embellish storefronts with century old furniture, vintage toys, costumes and decorations. She was wardrobe mistress for the local high school plays with her collection of purses, shoes, hats and dresses that spanned decades.

Many in Bethany are viewing the Flickr stream, providing comments and helpful identification for people and places that were not documented on some of the pictures. Who would have believed that these photos could be shared not only with Bethany residents but potentially around the world through the internet.

If you care to take a quick peek, please see this public page at the link below.

If you care to see it on Flickr, please go to this link

Ann Templeman Felsted, Virginia Davis Templeman, Bess Tolliver Davis three generations


  1. I will definitely take a look. Wonderful that your husband had a hand in helping preserve your family's rich history

  2. He was the prime factor in this, in fact I believe he became her favorite "in law" once he picked up the ancestry research. We made sure that she passed the family photos to us so we could do something like this for her and the town. There was supposedly treasure buried in her home, the whole town was talking about it. Tom said they all overlooked the real treasure, this history.

  3. How wonderful that you have all of this rich history. Nearly all of my family photos were lost. :(
