Tuesday, April 5, 2011


"ST. LOUIS – By the time the sun sets on April 6, children served by The Salvation Army’s Temple Corps Community Center will have a great place to play."

This is what my company is doing tomorrow. I have meetings so I will be helping in the Credit department covering order release while everyone is downtown building a playground.

"The new playground will be fully assembled from scratch in less than eight hours with the help of more than 200 volunteers from Energizer, The Salvation Army, organizers from KaBOOM! and local community residents. . .This playground build is the kickoff of the Energizer Now That’s Positivenergy™ campaign and will be followed by other events and partnerships aimed at generating positivity in communities across the country.

Planning for the playground began at a Design Day event held in February when local children and community leaders met with organizers from Energizer and KaBOOM! to design their dream playground. The children's drawings were then used to create the final playground design."

Salvation Army

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