Monday, April 18, 2011

Buy These Chips ( Uncle Ray's)

If your local store sells Uncle Ray's potato chips take a few minutes to read the back of the bag. I hope this company is all it says it is because it's refreshing.

Each bag has a portion of Uncle Ray's history from Tennessee to the Detroit housing projects. This bag in particular tells the story of his lack of self control when he was a child, his realization that some things are just wrong,a pledge to be a better person and what you can do to be one too.

Ray has over 30 chapters of "The Life and Times of Uncle Ray". He felt compelled to send a message to those eating his product. "If someone was ever contemplating suicide, drugs, stealing, or what ever life's troubles bring you, I want you to know that you are not alone". "Everyone has bad days and I want to be there with a message"

Chapter 30 ends with Self-Control, "rejecting wrong desires and doing what is right" The website looks to be undergoing some changes so I can't read all the chapters on line but here is his check list on chapter 30:

I will:
Not act impulsively
Not equate desires with rights
Set my own limits
See my anger as a sign that something is wrong with me
Walk away from things that aren't right

Maybe the lessons will sink in, you have to read something while munching on all those chips, may as well be good stuff!

photo credit of chips

Uncle Ray's Potato Chips


  1. I don't think they sell them around here. I've never seen them. But if I come across them i'll give them a try. :)

  2. Try a convenience store/gas station. I just uploaded a photo of what they look like and a link to a review.
