Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Patching Things Up

This is what I do when I give up Facebook games for Lent.

I took the day off so I could start my day with Mass. I attended St. Mary's, not my home parish but we share a priest so either is acceptable. After Mass I spent several hours cleaning shower stalls, sinks, floors, taking apart and washing the stove pieces plus organizing my spice cabinet so each bottle was back in its assigned bin. Yes, my spices are sorted by bins numbering 1-9, each bottle is labeled and I have a spreadsheet posted on the inside cupboard door. Two really, one by what is in each bin and the other alpha by spice name with the corresponding bin number after it.

Afterwards, I decided to make a table runner for the dining room using a pattern from my quilt shop. In this pattern you select four fat quarters and cut 4 inch strips that are 22 inches long. You piece these strips together, one of each kind in a special order making 2 wide strips. Then you cut them across their width making 10 rows of patches, 8 of which will be mixed with parts of the other two, and then some, to get this pattern. You then sew these together using a grid pattern. I am to that point now but stopped to do some embroidery before making dinner. When completed I will adhere the batting to the backing and do the quilting as the top and bottom are sewn together. That will be another day.

Before my husband arrived home I tried to watch a YouTube video and learn to make a Granny Square. I have the idea but not sure what they are doing at all times, probably because I don't know my crochet stitches, other than a single. I normally do much better with a live instructor so maybe I'll hop over to the yarn shop sometime this week.

To top off my nice day I got a phone call from my daughter, Becky. Normally a phone call around diner time isn't good news but today was the exception. She had just returned from getting her hair cut and knew I had an appointment there next Wednesday. This would be my first professional haircut in at least 20 years. I've never had much of a style so I could trim it myself. Even parting it differently and straightening it out was easy, but now it needs to be shaped, by a pro. Well, Becky called to say my upcoming appointment is all paid up, tip and all! What a considerate daughter!

To top it all off- the TV didn't go on until about 5 PM, unheard of for me! Now time to do a little reading.



  1. what a lovely daughter. It must be the name - I have a Becky, too.

  2. Maybe! It wasn't always that way though, some pretty rough times through the teen years.
