Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Bucket List

This bucket list is going around the blogs. If you want to participate, copy and paste to your blog, highlight the things you have done and add one or two more to the bottom

shot a gun
gone on a blind date
Skipped school
watched someone die
Visited Canada
Visited Hawaii
Visited Cuba
Visited Europe
Visited South America
Visited Las Vegas
Visited Mexico
Visited Florida
Seen the Grand Canyon
Flown on a plane
Served on a Jury
Been lost
Traveled to the opposite side of the country
Visited Washington, DC
Swam in the Ocean
Cried yourself to sleep.
Played Cops and Robbers
Played Cowboys and Indians
Recently colored with crayons

Sang Karaoke
Paid for a meal with coins only
Made prank phone calls
Laughed until some beverage came out of your nose
Caught a snowflake on your tongue
Had children
Had a pet

Been skinny-dipping outdoors
Been fishing
Been boating
Been Water Skiing
Been Downhill Skiing
Been Hiking
Been camping in a trailer/RV
Been camping in a tent

Flown in a small 4-seater airplane
Flown in a glider
Flown in a helicopter
Flown in a hot air balloon
Walked on a glacier
Driven a Motorcycle
Been bungee-jumping
Gone to a drive-in movie
Done something that could have killed you?
Done something that you will regret for the rest of your life.

Visited Africa
Rode an elephant
Eaten just cookies or cake for dinner
Been on T.V.

Steal any traffic signs
Been in a car accident
Donated blood

Bailed out of Helicopter/Plane
Ran in a Marathon
Went Curling
Broken a bone
Learned how to plow snow
Made maple syrup from tapping our trees
Swung from a trapeze

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